The new Realme 8 5G smartphone will enter the Indian market on April 22. Meanwhile, realizing all the speculation, Realme yesterday officially announced that the company will launch the Realme Q3 series of smartphones in China on the same day. The popular company has not yet confirmed how many new models will come under this Q3 series. But a few days ago a new Realme smartphone was spotted on the TENAA certification site which could be the pro model of this Q3 series. The device was also spotted on the Geekbench benchmark site yesterday, where its hardware specifications were revealed. Realme itself reported on social media Weibo that a smartphone in the upcoming Realme Q3 series (probably Realme Q3 Pro) will have a 120 Hz refresh rate display and a MediaTek Dimension 1100 SoC chipset.
In this case, the Realme Q3 Pro device was made available on Geekbench with the model number RMX2205, where the device is said to have a MediaTek Dimension 1100 processor as well as 8 GB of RAM. The phone can also be seen on Realme UI 2.0 OS based on Android 11.
On the other hand, the phone is listed on the Tina certification site with a 6.43-inch display. However, it is not yet known which storage options will appear on the device. However, it is expected that the handset will be shipped with 64 GB and 128 GB internal storage. Apart from this, Realme Q3 Pro will have a 4,400 mAh battery and is expected to measure 156.5 .3 83.3 × 6.4 millimeters. Talking about camera features, the triple rear camera setup can be seen in the smartphone; however, it is still unclear which sensors will be in it.
Incidentally, the CMO of the manufacturer has already confirmed that the word ‘Dare to Leap’ will be written in the series with Pro Phosphorescent as a branding that will also glow in the dark.